what does the color blue mean in a dream
It could also mean that someone is lying or deceiving you. In our dreams blue is usually connected to the water which represents our emotions. Publisher: Digireads.com Blue never really likes to be center stage and avoids conflict, making it a powerful color ally for peace. When you experience a dream such as this, it is important to recognize that sometimes it is important to analyze your life in terms of what you are trying to achieve in regard to your career. If this color does not cause discomfort, the meaning of the dream is neutral. It is the most sublime subject and color which biblically represents the Word of God. Seeing your partner with pink hair in a dream is a symbol that he is being faithful to you, the Wanderer’s dreambook thinks.. Painting walls pink means you find it difficult to cope with your sad mood, so you are sometimes … The symbol of blue color personifies frankness, devotion, peace, testifies to the need for love. Few things are more specific to us than our feelings. Is it a favorite or one you can take or leave? Shock can be a protective measure, keeping us safe until we're ready and able to start processing our losses. Ask yourself if the color blue was the primary dream color. … Dream means steady income, wealth, and regular wages. What is colored blue in your dream? Such clothes foreshadow you scandalous glory. Blue can sometimes also mean sad and depressed (feeling blue). As well as covering all the above, we'll also look at the interesting color "haint blue," a color southerners used to paint porches for reasons you might find surprising. Joining our website you accept Checkmydream's, The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Seeing the interior with a predominance of blue tones means that due to the lack of thoughtfulness, the dreamer's plans will be upset, which will be aided by the absence of supporters, a lack of understanding of the ideas around him. If you know to look for it, you'll see something curious in older houses in the South—particularly those on the National Historic Register that have had little updating. Or you may drive a blue car, and dreaming about that same shade of blue could indicate a message about what direction your life is going in right now. If you doubt this, one look at Van Gogh's Starry Night should put those doubts to bed. The color blue is also associated with masculinity and strong attitude. Blue represents a cleansing, creativity and loyalty in us. Blue in dreams can symbolize the wisdom of trading the temporal for the eternal. If you wanted to dye your hair black, but it turned to be pink, this plot means you are overwhelmed by wrong thoughts.Instead of focusing on the matter, you have head in the clouds. One reason is because blue was the color of empresses, making it an apt color to associate with the Queen of Heaven. If you're dreaming of a foggy or murky blue, then the blue in your dream might be an expression of sadness, especially if you've suffered some loss and that loss doesn't have to be a recent one. Alternatively, blue may be reminding the dreamer that seeking the eternal instead of the temporal is the only way to achieve lasting tranquility. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Publishing(February 1, 2017). The reason is that because blue is the color of the ocean and the sky and signifies that which is deep and endless, it is a color of stability and loyalty. In general blue color seen in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, respect, honor, protection from evil, stability. Only you define the limits of your abilities. Aisling's articles on Hubpages have 4.1 million page views. We are often advised to wear blue to job interviews, but do you know why? To dream about dark blue denotes that the dreamer may be appointed to an important position in a state office or get a job offer as a manager. Remember that grief has no time limit—we feel what we feel when we're ready. Blue: In a biblical sense, the color blue stands for revelation as well as depression, sorrow or anxiety. If you're dreaming of a foggy or murky blue, then the blue in your dream might be an expression of sadness, especially if you've suffered some loss and that loss doesn't have to be a recent one. If a young girl sees blue clothes in a dream, the dreambooks promise her heartache because of a young man. This sign in a dream indicates spiritual needs, the need for peace, contemplative pastime. Dreams that relate to your childhood may feature an object that is the same color as a toy you treasured growing up, such as a red bicycle. To see the color blue in a dream signifies your subconscious mind, and that you are an introvert. We associate clear skies and bright blue waters with tranquility, peace, and contentment. The truth is that the time immediately following a loss is spent in shock. As blue is the color of the sky and the skies are associated with heaven, the color blue is also a symbol of high spirituality. What does it mean to dream of painting a house? Blue is the color that is associated with sea and sky, the two things that are connected to the world, to the Mother Earth. The dream of clear sky, according to Miller’s dreambook, foreshadows a successful journey, spiritual harmony; those who have lost something will find their loss. This sign in a dream indicates spiritual needs, the need for peace, contemplative pastime. White Symbolism. Our own personal associations take precedence over any interpretation from any guide because they are, obviously, those with the most relevance. Blue is considered the color of devotion. Green: The color green represents prosperity and growth, but also negative emotions like envy and pride. It is the color of devotion. To dream in blue means: all your wishes will be fulfilled. The symbol of blue color personifies frankness, devotion, peace, testifies to the need for love. Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and … For some odd reason the color pink in our dream is usually attacked to our clothes , dresses, shoes , lipstick or disguised as a snake (see below). You may be wanting to escape from the pressures of life. Indicative of a type of hands-on labor (e.g., “blue-collar worker”).. Sea blue: Insight, emotions, and the ability to flow smoothly from one situation to another, (see Water.) To see them in a dream promises successful completion of study, obtaining a certificate, meeting with influential people and employment. Ask yourself what those images might symbolize and seek the wisdom of truth concerning those matters. The presence of this color in your dream may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. Blue likes order, security and exhibits the ability to do the right, best thing. Blue is a perennial favorite color and in dreams, its appearance is normally overwhelmingly positive. There comes a favorable time for financial as well as personal affairs. If you are dreaming in blue, your dreams may be reflections of a time of peace and tranquility in your waking life or they may reflect a longing for such.
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