disruptive in french
©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. Purpose: Disruptive behaviour, which we define as behaviour that does not show others an adequate level of respect and causes victims or witnesses to feel threatened, is a concern in the operating room. Look up the English to Polish translation of disruptive in the PONS online dictionary. dérangé {adj. [effect] perturbateur (-trice) → The effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive. n [+plans, meeting, lesson] perturbation f. → kids who are a source of disruption in lessons. disruptive [dNs'rHptNv] adj (élément) perturbateur; (élève) turbulent; disruptive strike, grève paralysante. las interruption noun. perturbatrice. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Malay Dictionary. : disrupting or tending to disrupt some process, activity, condition, etc. Ex. A disruptive innovation offers the capability to do things not previously possible and is not just an incremental improvement of an existing technology. "There's a method to our madness" | There’s a disruptive method to our madness... and that puts us on top of the creative chain. Other translations. The teacher had to ask the disruptive student to leave the class, so that the other students could get some work done. interruption, break, discontinuance, stopping, cessation. Here's how you say it. Much of the material presented here was translated specifically for this book, and offers up a lost thread from the fabric of history, one we find particularly vibrant. Look up the English to German translation of disruptive in the PONS online dictionary. capi-icpa.ca L'accès aux ressources de recherche et de développement et le long délai pour commercialiser les produits biotechnologiques représente des … French Translation of “disruptive” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. 2 disruptive technology = technologie qui génère un profond changement. [Article in French] Authors E Bousquet 1 , N Franc 2 , C Ha 3 , D Purper-Ouakil 2 ... intra familial disruptive behavior can be observed in families from all socio economic status. In such cases, then, the value of surprise is considered less than that of confoundment. Le professeur a dû demander à l'élément perturbateur de quitter la salle afin de laisser travailler les autres. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. : causing or tending to cause disruption a disruptive weather pattern It is hoped that, if the child learns that disruptive behavior brings no rewards, his tantrums will diminish and perhaps stop. Disruptive technology significantly alters the way industries and businesses function. Dictionary source: English French Dictionary (Kelkouli Rédha) More: English to French translation of disruptive If you are ready to learn more about our programs, get started by downloading our program guide now. interruption de travail f. potential disruption n —. L'on estime que 2 000 enfants survivants ont vu leur vie et celle de leurs familles bouleversée du tout au tout, et que 200 enfants sont sans doute aujourd'hui orphelins ou invalides. [+services] perturbation f. → the disruption of rail communications. No one region has a monopoly on self-disruptive leadership, but some countries are ahead of others in developing. If a traveler hosts an unauthorized or disruptive event, Vrbo may prohibit them from renting again. adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo. néfaste. Disruptive LIVE | 2,145 followers on LinkedIn. Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. From the Back Cover In fin-de-siècle France, politics were in an uproar, and gender roles blurred as never before. Un oubli important ? With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for disruptive and thousands of other words. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary. chahuteuse. perturbateur. perturbateur disruptif perturbant dérangeant gênant. Live Streams, Events Coverage & Original Content for the Tech & Business Industry. French Translation. (groundbreaking) revolucionario/a adj. Get Our Program Guide. Suggestions. → The strike is expected to cause disruption. adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." French service provider CRT Informatique is getting into the data hosting business in style by building its data center in a 378-year-old castle. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a mental disorder in children and adolescents characterized by a persistently irritable or angry mood and frequent temper outbursts that are disproportionate to the situation and significantly more severe than the typical reaction of same-aged peers.DMDD was added to the DSM-5 as a type of depressive disorder diagnosis for youths. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Collaborative Dictionary English-French, technologie de rupture ; technologie qui apporte un changement radical, 'disruptive' also found in translations in French-English dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-French translations from our dictionary, Encroachment on forests, marshlands and other valuable areas could prove extremely, Un empiétement sur des forêts, des zones marécageuses ou d'autres secteurs d'importance pourrait s'avérer très, Residential developments are particularly, L'aménagement résidentiel est particulièrement, «Avec CERAMENT, nous proposons une technologie réellement de, Energy emitted from the optic guide can interact with the particles to impart, L'énergie émise par le guide optique peut entrer en interaction avec les particules pour imprimer des forces de, Blockchain technology is revolutionary and even considered as a, La technologie Blockchain est révolutionnaire, et même considérée comme une innovation. disruptive translations: perturbateur/-trice, perturbateur. le … m} Français : turbulent - chahuteur - perturbant - perturbateur. perturbation … disruptive meaning has been search 2281 (two thousand two hundred and eighty-one) times till 3/21/2021. perturbation significative f. work disruption n —. This review summarizes the current literature on disruptive behaviour as it applies to the perioperative domain. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary. An article by Christensen and two co-authors, in the Harvard Business Review in 2015, made note of what they felt was a semantic misapplication: "Many researchers, writers, and consultants use “disruptive innovation” to describe any situation in which an industry is shaken up and previously successful incumbents stumble. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande ", "mujer alta "). dérangé {adj. disruptive translations: menimbulkan gangguan. However, we shall argue that thought experiments and theoretical derivations may also be disruptive of expectations and be difficult to … déstabilisante. disruptive adj. Disruptive Elements is a collection of previously hard to find or untranslated writings of French anarchists from the mid-19th to the early 20th century. disrupted (also: bothered, deranged, disturbed, unhinged) volume_up. But every region has at least one area that its leaders, as a group, can improve on, Baltzley says. la perturbation noun. Une innovation de rupture permet de faire quelque chose qui n'était pas possible auparavant et se distingue … Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. With respect to the parent-child relationship in those families, there are some relevant specificities. → She was expelled from her grammar school as a disruptive influence. disturbance, perturbation, interference, upheaval, distemper. L'on estime que 2 000 enfants survivants ont vu leur vie et celle de leurs familles bouleversée du tout au tout, et que 200 enfants sont sans doute aujourd'hui orphelins ou invalides. How to say disruptive in English? https://www.disruptive.live | We are disruptive. Please find below many ways to say disruptive in different languages. — Susan Sheehan In recent years, airlines began to carry plastic handcuffs as a way to restrain disruptive passengers. Devenez parrain de WordReference pour voir le site sans publicités. This is the translation of the word "disruptive" to over 100 other languages. disruptive adj [person, behaviour] perturbateur (-trice) [influence] perturbateur (-trice) → She was expelled from her grammar school as a disruptive influence. Discussions sur 'disruptive' dans le forum English Only, â Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent exactement au terme que vous recherchez, balancing disruptive electrical discharge, calling this policy a wasteful, unnecessary and disruptive competitor, resistance of a group to disruptive forces, Blockchains are indeed a
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