cowpeas yield per acre in uganda
There are approximately 4,000 seeds/lb (Woodruff et al., 2010), and there … From this, the yield was more than 40 sacks of cow peas. Cowpea is an annual, herbacious crop of the legume family. This variety has a green seed coat with a small white eye. Average yield in Ghana was about 1.3 tonnes per hectare in 2010. Growing cowpea after cowpea, season after season, may therefore increase prevalence of diseases. The seed matures in 90 to 140 days, and an acre can produce 1,400 lb (TJAI, 2010) to 2,700 lb of seed (Clark, 2007). The nativity of the cowpeas is traced in the western parts of Africa as its spreads to the other parts of the world. Cowpeas are often sold shelled in 10 lb plastic bags, which are the rough equivalent of a shelled bushel. Typical yields for shelled peas range from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per acre, depending on variety and whether they are machine or hand harvested, while green pod yields are typically 2,500 to 4,000 pounds per acre (Brandenberger et al., 2007). I sold each sack at Shs100,000 to traders from Kampala and Jinja . 2 National Crops Resources Research Institute, Namulonge, Uganda Problembeing addressed Average yields of beans in Uganda are less than 30% of the potential yield. By 1994, an estimated total of c. 3.1 million tonnes of the crop were produced from c. 0.4 million hectares of land grown in the country. Their feeding causes yellow discoloration of leaf veins and margins, followed by cupping of leaves. less than 2 acres) with average production of 0.25 tons (250kg) per acre despite potential yield of 700 to1500kg/ acre depending on the variety. Uganda Coffee: "the sweet aroma from the source of the Nile” ... average costs of production and yields per hectare are indicated in table 2 below Table-2 Coffee production cost and Yield per Hectare Ironically, the cost of inputs for Robusta coffee was made higher i.e. Cabbage is a vegetable grown on either a small scale or a large scale in Uganda and it is grown for mostly the growing market for the vegetable and for home consumption. So this means that when the fresh bean is in season, the demand for cow peas is not high.Growing cow peas has a number of challenges that include pests and diseases, which attack the crop. 1,350 pounds per acre, but up to 2,700 pounds per acre in California. Cabbage Growing in Uganda, Market & Yields Per Acre. The best control measure is through the use of virus-free seed produced under strict roguing production The cowpea aphid is another major common pest. If the crop is raised for fodder purpose 250 - 350 q of green fodder is obtained per hectare. The varieties Kitui black eye and M66 are tolerant to leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew and are suitable for low, dry areas of North Rift Valley such as Samburu, … I am John Kasule, a resident of Kiziika village, Nazigo sub-county in Kayunga District. In Uganda we mistake the cowpeas for common beans to the extent of identifying them as common small beans. Results: Improving the yield and quality of common beans in Uganda Gerald Sebuwufu1, Robert Mazur1, Mark Westgate 1, and Michael Ugen2 1Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Harvest the peas at 100 to 125 days from sowing. With the exception of West Nile, the regions where the Oil Vegetable Project II (VODP II) is implemented had relatively better productivity. Buy-Import-Export Un-Refined Raw SHEA BUTTER, here to buy fresh Cowpeas and Cowpea Seeds, Join in and write your own page! Some creeping varieties of cowpea tolerate shade, and so can be grown as an intercrop with maize, millet, and sorghum. The activists now want the Ministry of Health to join them and expedite the process that has been ongoing since 2015 when a private member was... Why US declared travel ban on Ugandan officials, Health activists push for law on patients’ rights, How Muntu’s ANT is picking up the pieces from poll rubble, 27 arrested over vandalizing property at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Covid-19: Effects of non-communicable diseases worry govt. Crude protein and digestibility of the whole plant are reported to be similar to alfalfa with yields ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 ton/acre after 60 days of growth. (E.g 7.14.7). I decided on this variety because it is marketable compared to the large white seeded one, like that used in making samosas. Cowpea is one of the most ancient crops known to man, with its center of origin and subsequent domestication being closely associated with pearl millet and sorghum. Read: How To Grow Citronella. Yield Potential: 3,000 – 4 ,000 kg per acre: Other Attributes: Resistant to … mean yield of 730 kg per acre while West Nile reported the least yield of 100 kg per acre. If a farmer does not want to sell fresh peas, the crop should be harvested when they are dry. In addition, planting in rows makes weeding and insecticide or fertiliser application easier. The area under rice in 2013 was 93,000 Ha. If we calculate the average yield for all of these crops we find it to be 10,642 pounds per one acreof land. Green pods are harvested by hand when they are still immature and tender (12-15 days after flowering). Contact us here to buy fresh Cowpeas and Cowpea Seeds in Uganda How best to Harvest Cowpeas in Uganda At maturity seeds vary considerably in size, shape and color. In 2010, I started growing drought-resistant cowpeas which do well on soil with low fertility. These results indicate that insect pests are the most important biotic constraint to cowpea production in Uganda. Seeds and Plant Production . From this, the yield was more than 40 sacks of cow peas. Farmers in Eastern, Western and Central region had mean yields of 632, 282 and 259 kg per acre, respectively. The country is at the moment producing about 12,000 tons of cowpeas annually. In Uganda… Diseases. National and regional production by area and yield per hectare of cassava in Uganda is shown for 1970–1994 (Table 1). 1 All insect pests but the cowpea curculio, have satisfactory control options available to growers. The following insects are ranked from the most important and common pests in Georgia, with an emphasis on southern Georgia, where the majority of the production occurs. (A BIOTECH, 2002) 1. I bought six kilogrammes at a cost of Shs 21,000. These Cowpea pods are stiff with small seeds. Although cowpeas benefit from good soils, their best niche, YieldsFrom the 35 sacks, I got Shs3.5m. There … of cowpea production by about $75 per acre. White acre Cowpeas —these Cowpeas are in kidney-shaped with a blunt end, these are semi crowded in the pod and are tan in color. Under severe infestation, there is premature defoliation and death of young seedlings. Yield. Cowpea curculio, Chalcodermus aeneus(Coleoptera), is a weevil (Figure 2), that seems to have originated from the Caribb… Cowpea has a number of common names, including crowder pea, blackeyed pea, southern pea, and internationally as lubia, niebe, coupe or frijole. It's easy to do. The greatest need for added phosphorus during germination is to support early growth. pea production in 1981 was estimated at 2,7 million tons from 7,7 million ha. It's easy to do. The yield of Cowpea: in Cowpea cultivation, the yield can be expected around 40 to 70 quintal green pods/ha. The disease also survives on diseased crop residues. Common Soybean varieties in Uganda The most recommended Soya bean varieties for Uganda are Maksoy 1N and Maksoy 4M; these two Soybean varieties yield between 2000 - 2500Kg/ha. In Uganda, cabbages are classified in terms of how long they take to mature and these categories are listed below: With six kilogrammes of seed, this farmer started with a quarter an acre on which he planted cow peas. Clear up space meant for planting 0f shrubs and other obstacles. Simply click here to return to, Buy Uganda Vanilla Beans in Bulk/Wholesale, Residential Property for Sale on Kampala-Entebbe Road, © Copyright 2007-2021 ads. Source: Directorate of Pulses Development. Leaves for eating must be young and tender. As with many other grain crops grown in the semi-arid tropics, the cowpea post-production system in developing countries is an important constraint. This is an intermediate variety between the black-eyed and Crowder Cowpeas. ExpectationsLeafhoppers is another pests that can destroy cowpea during the seedling stage. The traders bought the produce from my garden so I did not incur any transport costs. This translates to about 300 Kg per Ha. To ensure that my crop is not attacked by pests and diseases, I sprayed the plants with pesticides which I bought at Shs 15,000. I am a vegetable farmer, growing cabbages, tomatoes and cow peas. Planting in rows helps to establish the correct plant density. The basic quantities vary between 75 and 100 kilogrammes per acre depending on the soil types. Three leaf pickings (starting 2 1/2 -3 weeks after planting at weekly intervals have little effect on grain yields of five to six 90 kg bags of seed per acre. Rice in Uganda has become one of the staple food. shs 355,000 than that of Arabica coffee i.e. The cowpea curculio is the main production-limiting key pest where it occurs in the Southeastern United States. ChallengesBut for a farmer to earn more money from cowpeas, he/she has to time the harvest to when the beans are off-season. Bacterial blight is seed borne and using high quality seed may reduce incidence of this disease. ANR Publication 8030 COWPEA PRODUCTION: Sample Costs and Benefits as a Summer Cover Crop 4 Cowpeas in the Coachella Valley are produced only as cover crops, so there are no returns from sale of crop. Cowpea is the third most important legume crop in Uganda, cowpea in this regard presents a great economic potential. Cowpea is not likely to persist outside cultivated fields. equivalent of 125 Kgs per Ha. Go to cities, towns and villages in all parts of Nigeria, you will see people cultivating this crop. In Missouri, yields of 1,400 to 1,800 pounds per acre should be expected with normal growing conditions and selection of an improved variety. From a single harvest, green pod yields will range from 2,500 to 4,500 pounds per acre, while shelled green and dry pea yield will range from 1,200 to 2,000 pounds per acre. Cover thinly with soils and water to give moisture. This is because cow peas and beans can act as a substitute for each other. Fodder Cowpea production practices in Tamil Nadu; Cowpea production practices in Goa A good crop of cowpea yields about 12 - 15 q of grain and 50 - 60 q of straw per hectare. Related resources. Cowpeas are susceptible to a wide range of diseases. Setting upI ploughed the land and made the soil fine. the yield for 1/4 acre is 1/4 of that, or 2660 pounds. It should be fine to make it easy for the small roots to penetrate the soil. Table 2. But a framer should be not wait until when the cow pea ponds shatter, as this leads to crop loss. Terms Of Use & Privacy Policy. Dry-matter yields of cowpea cultivars and breeding Hues grown under two plant populations in 1981 and 1992 at Becker and Waseca, Minnesota. However, most farmers cultivate beans the wrong way. I also cut down the trees because cow peas do not thrive well under shade. Since cow peas mature very fast, within two months, they were ready for harvest. How? Multiple hand harvests can increase pod and green pea yields of vining types (indeterminate) by about 25 percent above the indicated single harvest yields. Maintain a spacing of 50cmx20cm for mono cropping, and 75cm x 50cm for intercropping. After harvesting, they should be sun dried and then threshed. I paid for the labour, I used to plough the land and to harvest the yield. Buy-Import-Export Premium Grade UGANDA VANILLA BEANS Buy-Import-Export Un-Refined Raw SHEA BUTTER. The crop is one of the most ancient source of food to man, and its use is dated back since the neolithic times. The yield gotten from beans farming in Nigeria can be as low as 0.2 tonnes per hectare while those who farm cowpea or beans the right way can get as high as 2 tonnes per hectare. Only 3.3 percent (3,069 Ha) was fertilized in 2013. Though I had sold my peas to traders from Kampala, the market in my area is also available as many people like to eat peas as part of their diet.Yet again, after only one week, I harvested some more 10 sacks and got Shs700,000. Currently, the area under cow peas is an acre from which I expect to get about Shs5m next season. At the end of the two months, I had made Shs2.9m. mean yield of 730 kg per acre while West Nile reported the least yield of 100 kg per acre. Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide to buy Soybeans in Africa Soil requirements for Soybean Nitrogen, and phosphorus are the critical nutrients in soils for soybean. From the Shs 4.2m earned, I spent about Shs1.3m in labour and farm inputs. I saw its potential and signed a lease agreement with the owner for Sh4,000 an acre per year,” Bor says. The insect feeds on undersurface of young leaves, on young stem tissue and on pods of mature plants. The potential yield of cowpea is up to 2.5 tonnes per hectare, but the usual yield in Ghana and other West African countries is less than 1000 kilograms per hectare. Cow peas are attacked by bacterial blight and bacterial pustule. John Kasule tells Fred Muzaale how he started out, the challenges faced but how profitable the crop is. Types of the cowpea Most of the trade in Cowpea takes place in dry grain form and on a limited scale green peas are also popular in the markets. Usually the number of seeds per pod also varies from 8 to 20 seeds. Yields of up to 8000 kg DM/ha have been recorded in irrigated areas. I sprayed the peas at three weeks. … Production per season is usually in the 2000 to 3000 kg DM/ha range. However, it is worth noting that the spacing depends on the type of cow pea because there are those which are erect and those which are semi-erect. Nkandu says if Uganda increases the coffee tree numbers per acre from 450 to 1,300 in addition to using fertilizers, coffee production and output would jump. Join in and write your own page! That notwithstanding, based on information available from Food and Agricultural Organi-zation (FAO), it was estimated that more than 3,3 tons of cowpeas were produced worldwide in 2000 from at least 12,5 million ha. I planted the seeds at a spacing of 60cm by 20cm with two seeds per hole. Cowpeas will respond to manure or low rates (100 to 200 kg per ha) of a compound fertiliser. With six kilogrammes of seed, this farmer started with a quarter an acre on which he planted cow peas. I hired people who picked them while the pods were still green. The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization has released new high yielding disease tolerant cowpea varieties that can produce four tonnes per acre, double the amount of the existing varieties such as zebra and randa. But in the time, I have grown these vegetables, I have discovered that cowpeas are more profitable than tomatoes and cabbages. Two weeks after the peas germinated, I started weeding. A total of 920 MT of fertilizer was applied on rice across the country. feel free to ask our business travel consultants. Under dryland conditions, yields of cowpeas have ranged from 500 kg dry matter (DM)/ha to over 4000 kg DM/ha under favourable conditions. After they have fruited, it is advisable to uproot the weeds other than remove them with a hoe. The system is characterised by low input use especially seed and pesticides with Virus diseases may be devastating. The bottom line of Growing Cowpeas: Cowpea cultivation is profitable as this can even be used for any animal fodder as well as food grain requirement. If you include a legume like cowpeas in the mixed stand, you can typically raise the crude protein percentage of the forage mix, but your overall dry matter tonnage per acre of the mix will be lower because the dry matter level per acre of the legume is less than that of the sorghum, and to accommodate both species you have lowered the population of sorghum plants per acre in the mix. In Uganda, 90% of cowpea production takes place in the eastern and northern regions of the country, largely by small holder farmers (Adipala et al., 1999). Simply click here to return to Plants Guide. I started with a quarter an acre, where I planted the large green-seeded grain peas. Cream Peas—these Cowpeas are in cream color and not crowded in the pods. Currently, Uganda produces about four million 60-kilogramme-bags of coffee annually while Brazil which leads the world produces between 55 and 60 sixty-kilogramme-bags annually. In particular, weevils - post-harvest pests - can destroy a granary full of cowpea in two or three months. Introduction Cowpea is one of the most ancient crops known to man. shs 355,000 than that of MM3. This is because if you weed when cow peas have started creeping and when they have starting podding, they are likely to be damaged or cut with the hoe. Plants become stunted.Both insects can be controlled by spraying the crop with insecticides. Do not bother with fertilizing as cowpeas are self fertilizing plants. Optimizing management on good soils would lead to higher yields. From the first picking, I got 35 sacks of unthreshed cowpeas. Yield Per hectare: 6,000-8,000 Kgs per ha: ... Yield Potential: 3,000 – 4 ,000 kg per acre: Other Attributes: Resistant to Grey Leaf Spot & Maize Streak Virus. Cowpea production … MarketableThis is because peas are fast maturing and I do not have to spend a lot on pesticides and fertilisers to have good harvests. How? If you haven't yet found what you were looking for or you need detailed information about the subject matter on this page. 2.5 Kgs per acre Yield potential 12,000 Kgs â 36,000 Kgs per acre Planting Nantes yield in heavier, rockier soils carrots but the soils should as well be friable to ease their penetration downwards Spacing 30 x 5 cm Climate The Yields per tree vary from 75 to 150 fruits annually, giving 35 to 50 tons of fruit per ha per year. Now it is a broadly adapted and highly variable crop, cultivated around the world primarily as a pulse, but also as a vegetable (both for the greens and the green peas), a cover crop, and for fodder. News to Raise Yields. The harvest to when the beans are off-season first picking, I have discovered that cowpeas self. 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