celtic goddess with red hair
– Legendary giant God/Warrior of Ireland who foresaw the coming of the Milesians and banished an invading giant from Scotland. The Crone ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – UnknownDescription – Third aspect of the Triple Goddess. Please DONATE to help keep this site going in support of Redheads everywhere! Uairebhuidhe ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – UnknownDescription – Bird Goddess whom little is known about today. Represents a personal or mascot deity to. She was a Goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann and that a hill in southern Ireland was named for her. Debra Hitchcock. A lake Goddess who is viewed in modern folklore as an evil water faery who lures swimmers to their death. Most likely a Goddess of protection. Bladud ♂Location – WalesRules Over – Protection, employment, any endeavors governed by the SunDescription – Sun God who is associated with the sacred English hot spring known as Aquae Sulis. – Father of Rhiannon. Their High Priestess reserved the right to take any and all lovers they chose. Ogma ♂Location – IrelandRules Over – Eloquence, poets, writers, physical strength, inspiration, language, literatureDescription – A champion of the Tuatha who carried a huge club. – Goddess of Midsummer, part of a triune with her sisters. Habondia ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Seasonal harvest rites, fertility, prosperity, earth magicDescription – Goddess of abundance and prosperity who was later demoted to a mere witch in medieval English lore in order to strip her of her great power in the minds of the rural folk who depended upon her benevolence for their crops and herds. from your mind, erasing unwanted thoughts so you can have a fresh startDescription – Primordial God who created and rode the crest of the flood near his home on the Lake of Waves and was once a deity worshiped by the people of the lake region but who is now reduced to fairy or evil demigod. Most likely as much a protective force as she was a water deity. On September 2, 2018 May 20, 2020 By runasword In Mythology, red hair Freyja: Goddess of Magic, Love and Healing Of all the Norse gods and goddesses, Freyja alone has enjoyed unbroken worship throughout history. Ruled over the land of the dead. The Morrigan Triple Aspect Goddess: Irish/Celtic tradition has red hair there is a superstition in Ireland: if you see a redhead washing clothing before noon you'll have bad luck, that comes from and older … Taliesin ♂Location – WalesRules Over – Fertility, BarleyDescription – Minor barley God worshipped through the 16th century. This seems to be related to the the idea of the redhead being a witch and the association has continued to the present day where even George RR Martin’s Red Woman Melisandre is red-headed. – War Goddess whose root name means “the hateful one.” She is a subordinate deity of the Morrígu. – Old Goddess whose original form likely traveled with the Celts across the continent over many generations from the Middle East. – Past-lives, shape-shifting, animals, ecological magic, woodlands, was a hero who was created a God of animals and the woodlands by the mother Goddess, – Bird Goddess whom little is known about today. However, some claim he was the consort of, , whose name means “of the meandering stream.”, – Goddess of hot springs whose sacred waters was always hot. Came down in legend as a monster or faery of the ocean. Probably a crone Goddess. Cian ♂Location – IrelandRules Over – Love magicDescription – God of medicine who went to retrieve a cow which had been stolen by Balor. (Original post on vikinghof). When the people in the region needed a favor, they would ask for help, and in return, they would have to make promises or offerings to them to keep them happy. Celtic Goddess Danu in the Rigveda The Tuatha, described as having red hair and green or blue eyes, had superhuman abilities and skills. Seen as a harvest, death and sacrificial God. Anu/Anann/Catana ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Fertility, prosperity, comfort, health, cattleDescription – Mother Earth, Great Goddess, Greatest of all Goddesses, another aspect of the Morrígu. It is thought she was a Goddess of mourning. – Goddess of sovereignty who appears shortly in the Grail legends as the wife of Sir Percival in which she is wedded and then bedded by Percival who then immediately sets off for the Grail castle to which he is finally admitted. Devona ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – UnknownDescription – Goddess of the rivers of Devon. – Basically all her myths are lost to us today. Favorite Add to Goddess Athena with Owl - Greek Goddess, Altar Decor, Figurine, Statue Red-hair females were sacred to the war Goddesses, as their hair was the color of blood. Tamara ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Creation or fortification of boundariesDescription – Goddess of the River Tamar which divides the Duchy of Cornwall from the rest of England. – A Fairy Queen with a burgh of her own Drumberg. – Thought to be one of the earliest Celtic Gods. Roman historians Tacitus and Cassius Dio both described Boudicca as tall, with red long red hair. , The “Song of Daronwy,” relates adventures of this God who does not appear elsewhere in Celtic mythology. Ban-Chuideachaidh Moire ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – ChildbirthDescription – Old Goddess who appears in modern Irish legends as the midwife who assisted the Christian Virgin Mary with her birth, and was also a title applied to St. Bridget. Corchen ♀Location – Ireland, ManxPast lives, earth magic, reincarnationDescription – Ancient snake Goddess about whom very little is known. She is queen of phantoms, demons, shape-shifters and witches. Father of Lugh. Arnamentia ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Healing and purificationDescription – Goddess of spring waters who was once a minor solar deity. . She was also the Goddess of featherless flying creatures which may have symbolized some type of blockage to passing into the Otherworld. Aine of Knockaine ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Crops and cattleDescription – Moon Goddess who was connected with the Summer Solstice. She is honored at Lughnassadh. – Understanding the wheel of the year, mourning. – At one time was a sea God. Goddess of summer flowers. – Son of Oghma, minor sun God of the Tuatha Dé Danann and husband of Eire. More from This Artist Similar Designs. Queen of Elphame ♀Location – ScotlandRules Over – Death, destruction, plague, battle, Otherworld, rebirth, fairy contactDescription – Goddess of death and disease who is often equated with the Greek Goddess Hecate. Associated with holly leaves. Lady of the Lake. Eostre ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Ostara, Great Rite, Fertility of pets/livestock, new ventures, reincarnation, new lifeDescription – Goddess for whom the Ostara Sabbat is named for a.k.a. – Druid of the mainland gods, son of Don. Easter. Garmangabis ♀Location – BritainRules Over – UnknownDescription – Goddess who was brought to Britain with the Romans and survives only through cryptic inscriptions. Possibly another version of the Druidess Dubh. His name was seen in festivals of Beltane/Beltain. They knew the power of words, stones and herbs. – Goddess of the River Thames, later replaced in patriarchal times by, – Water magic, fairy contact, weather magic, sea. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! The Celtic Goddesses page concentrates on names and qualities of the deities from Britain and Ireland. Depicted as a very virile male figure with flaming hair. – This Goddess is best-known for escorting High King Crebhan to the Otherworld where she gave him great treasures. Elaine ♀Location – Wales, BritainRules Over – UnknownDescription – Maiden aspect of the Goddess. after they were banished into the sea. She is viewed as spring personified. – Lust, sex magic, wisdom in making judgments. Goewin ♀Location – WalesRules Over – SovereigntyDescription – Goddess of sovereignty who held the feet of Math while he reigned. – One of a triad of craftsmen with Luchtaine the wright and Creidne the brazier. The stories were transmitted orally till the Romans of the 1st century B.C., the Irish monks of the 6th century, and the Welsh writers wrote the traditional stories. war God who is seen as both the husband of, – Protection of circles/groves/sacred grounds. – “The Great Queen.” Goddess of birds and horses. Goidniu ♂Location – Ireland, WalesRules Over – Blacksmiths, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing, fire, metal-workingDescription – One of a triad of craftsmen with Luchtaine the wright and Creidne the brazier. – Sometimes called a Goddess and sometimes called a God. Artaius ♂Location – UnknownRules Over – Sheep, cattleDescription – God of sheep and cattle herders from Celtic Gaul. It is a theory she is related toAndraste. Scathach ♀Location – Ireland, ScotlandRules Over – Blacksmiths, healing, prophecy, martial arts, protection, teachingDescription – Underworld Goddess, Goddess in her Destroyer aspect. Much like her Celtic counterpart, Maman Brigitte is a powerful healer. – Goddess who trained warriors to fight. Wachilt ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – UnknownDescription – Minor sea Goddess later called a “witch” in English mythology. – Goddess of hot springs who came to Brittany from Celtic Gaul. One of the many mistresses Cuchulain had over his life. Garbh Ogh ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Ecological magic, seasonal rites involving the sacrificial GodDescription – Giantess and Goddess of the hunt whose chariot was drawn by elks. was taken into the local Roman pantheon where she became a consort of their God Mercury. She is usually depicted as being surrounded by full baskets and animals. It is quite fascinating to learn about these Gods and Goddesses, who once ruled the world we know now. – Fertility, passion, sexual activities, trees, protection, knowledge, creativity, – Early Irish Goddess of the sea of whom little is known. – Lake Goddess who later became a Goddess of ale and mead. Ruler of wild beasts, forests, woodlands. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess and is honored at the full moon. Eithne ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Beauty, fertility, reincarnationDescription – Old Goddess whose original form likely traveled with the Celts across the continent over many generations from the Middle East. Caolainn ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Wisdom, healing, fertilityDescription – Goddess who was the guardian/queen of a magical well in County Roscommon in western Ireland. – Fairy Goddess from County Tipperary is still thought to live in a burgh beneath Pallas Green Hill. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Represents the male principle of creation. Damara ♀Location – EnglandRules Over – FertilityDescription – Fertility Goddess associated with Beltane. For centuries, women, especially those born with red hair, were named Brid, Bridgid or Bridget in honor of the goddess. Print: $22. Fionn MacCumhal ♂Location – Ireland, Manx, ScotlandRules Over – Wisdom, overcoming enemies, creation, protection, knowledge, divinationDescription – Legendary giant God/Warrior of Ireland who foresaw the coming of the Milesians and banished an invading giant from Scotland. – Virility, fertility, animals, physical love, Nature, woodlands, reincarnation, crossroads, wealth, commerce, warriors, hunt, magic, sacrifice, – The Horned God, God of Nature, God of the Underworld. Most likely Roman in origin. – Pleasure, courage, water and sex magic, sea fairy contact, – Goddess of “debauchery” by her detractors, while some recent legends go so far as to make her the destroyer of her own realm through her excesses and her worship of “idols.”, – Protection, warriors, knowledge, magic, fire, prophecy, weather, reincarnation, the arts, initiation, patron of priests, the Sun, healing, regeneration, prosperity, harps, magicians, artisans, all knowledge. Queen of the Dead. These cookies do not store any personal information. Bronach ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – UnknownDescription – Crone Goddess linked to forgotten Samhain rituals. Saitada ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Passing over rites, mourningDescription – She is known only from one inscription in the Tyne Valley. – Blacksmiths, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing, fire, metal-working. – Wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity, abundance, magic, wisdom, – Major Mother Goddess, ancestress of the. – Third aspect of the Triple Goddess. Accasbel ♂Location – IrelandRules Over – Mabon vine harvest, Beltane’s blessing of the meadeDescription – A Partholan who is credited with constructing the first tavern in Ireland, most likely was an early God of wine or meade. – A “spinning” Goddess who is thought to either be a goddess of spell casting or the wheel of the year since “spinning” refers to them both. – Cunning, sheer physical force, sexuality, fertility, dominance over males, childbirth, wisdom, overcoming enemies, past-lives, . Reclaim this forgotten Samhain Goddess at your own seasonal rites. She rides a swift white horse. Youthful, creative, skilled… She is the ancient Irish Goddess of Healing, Poetry, Silversmithing, and Midwifery. King Arthur ♂Location – Wales, CornwallRules Over – Nearly anything is said to be able to be helped by King ArthurDescription – Most likely based on a seventh-century king named Artorius, who led the fight to drive the Saxons from Britain, and later his legend was merged with that of a now-forgotten father/sacrificial God. – Goddess of both Celtic and Roman Gaul. – A triplicate unto herself, this Goddess throughout her myth say she alternately takes on the images of maiden, mother and crone. – Giantess and Goddess of the hunt whose chariot was drawn by elks. – Early Irish God whose name means “to be.” Most likely part of a lost creation myth. Well-known pre-Celtic Mother Goddess figure much like Dana. – Goddess of the River Tamar which divides the Duchy of Cornwall from the rest of England. Bechoil ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – UnknownDescription – Goddess whose legends have been lost. She symbolizes transcendent knowledge and transitions to the Otherworld. – Goddess of Munster whose legends were almost lost until she was ‘demoted’ to a fairy queen. Grian ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Seasonal rites, sunDescription – Fairy Goddess from County Tipperary is still thought to live in a burgh beneath Pallas Green Hill. The fertility Goddess, who often formed a trinity with, – Revenge, terror, war, spirit contact, picking magical names, strengthening friendships, reincarnation. Patron of wise women, seeresses, rune-mistresses and healers, she is Mistress of Seidhr, the brewing of potions and herbal medicines. White Lady ♀Location – Known to all Celtic countriesRules Over – Death, destruction, annihilationDescription – Dryad of Death. Nemetona ♀Location – EnglandRules Over – Protection of circles/groves/sacred groundsDescription – Guardian Goddess of all sacred places such as circles or magical groves. Epos Olloatir ♂Location – UnknownNight, dream magic, horsesDescription – Horse God often seen as either a male form of Epona or as her consort. – Once a protective Mother Goddess, a defender of youth and patron of children. – Moon Goddess who was connected with the Summer Solstice. – Minor sea Goddess later called a “witch” in English mythology. Autumn's Kiss - Large Vinyl Sticker, limited edition, fantasy art, goddess, fall leaves, art nouveau, red hair, bumper sticker, decal TheRealmofsAm. Harimella ♀Location – ScotlandRules Over – ProtectionDescription – Goddess of Tungrain origin who used to be worshiped inDunfriesshire. Briant ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Water magicDescription – Goddess of the river which holds her name. Coinchend ♀Location – UnknownRules Over – Spirit contactDescription – A semi-divine warrioress whose home was in the Otherworld. She vowed never to sleep until she found a man who could create for her the most majestic poem ever penned. – Bear Goddess whose shrine once stood in what is now Bern, Switzerland. Learn how your comment data is processed. A mummy of red-haired man has been uncovered in Egypt that is over 5000 years old named appropriately, Ginger. – Gaulish Celtic God of fortifications. His name became the poetic name for Britain. Brother of Govannon, Arianrhod and Amaethon. The connection ultimately made her the goddess of the time when the sun was at its brightest. Eri of the Golden Hair ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Creation, moonDescription – Virgin Goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann. List of Celtic Gods and Goddesses War Goddesses considered red-hair females very sacred, as their hair was the color of blood. Airmid ♀Location – IrelandRules Over – Magic, healing, learning, herbalism, understanding family loyalty, inspiration to craftspeopleDescription – Goddess of medicine and all healing arts to the Tuatha Dé Danann. Credne ♂Location – IrelandRules Over – Self-defense, inspiration of artistic endeavors, blessing toolsDescription – God of metallurgy and smithing who worked in bronze. It is believed she has roots in the Greek grain Goddess, Demeter. Protector of sacred spaces. Mabon ♂Location – UnknownRules Over – Any endeavor, seasonal rites, fertility rites, the hunt, death, spirit contactDescription – Minor sun God who also has power in darkness. Pinterest. Check out our celtic goddess statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our home & living shops. Represents the female principle of creation. The fact that Ireland, along with Scotland and Wales are the only three countries in Europe in which over 10% of the population have red hair suggests that the gene may come from the peoples’ Celtic origins. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Holly King represents the waning year, and battles the Oak King at Midsummer (probably at Beltane sometime in the past) for leadership. Cerridwen ♀Location – Wales, ScotlandRules Over – Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge, wisdom, past lives, divinationDescription – Moon Goddess, Grain Goddess. Associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, Maman Brigitte is the only loa who is portrayed as being white. One of the central features of their Groves was a cauldron, bowl or pool. Tethra ♂Location – IrelandRules Over – Water magic, fairy contact, weather magic, seaDescription – King of the FirBolgs after they were banished into the sea.
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